Pandemic could push 115 mn into extreme poverty in 2020: World Bank

As many as 115 million people could be pushed into extreme poverty this year due to the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the World Bank warned Wednesday.
Iranian FM to visit China

Clashes erupt over new Indonesian labor law
Tens of thousands of people across Indonesia have taken to the streets to protest a new law they say threatens labor rights. Some demonstrators in the capital clashed with police.
Germany seeing 'worrying jump' in coronavirus numbers: minister
Germany is experiencing a "worrying jump" in coronavirus cases, Health Minister Jens Spahn said Thursday, as the number of new daily infections soared past 4,000 for the first time since early April.
8 Afghan militants killed as gun battle erupts in northern Afghanistan

G20 pledges efforts for battered tourism industry
Tourism ministers from G20 nations have pledged to join forces to help the sector recover, after it was devastated by the coronavirus pandemic.
Azerbaijan, Armenia FMs to meet mediating nations
Azerbaijan and Armenia say their foreign ministers will hold separate talks with countries mediating in the conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.