UNICEF Myanmar will report­edly deliver monthly finance of K42,000 to children with disa­bilities aged 2 to 18 across the country. Eligible children must be certified as having severe or profound disabilities.


The fund will be directly allocated to eligible beneficiar­ies every two months via Wave Money. The fund will be limited to a maximum of three children with disabilities per household currently living together.


The funds are intended to be used for essential needs, including nutrition, health­care, personal hygiene, as­sistive devices/technologies, accessibility improvements, rehabilitation, and education. Beneficiaries are encouraged to use the funds effectively for these purposes.


Guardians of children with confirmed severe or pro­found disabilities can contact UNICEF Myanmar directly to enrol in the programme. They must provide their name, the name of the eligible child, and the phone number for trans­ferring the funds. Those who do not meet the eligibility cri­teria will not receive financial support. — ASH/MKKS