Second batch of Myanmar nationals stranded in India amidst COVID-19 returns home

DRD officials inspect rural road in KhinU
Officials from the Department of Rural Development inspected completion of a rural road in Wetthe Village, KhinU Township in Sagaing Region on 23 May.
Shan State Minister joins mask distribution campaign in Mongphyat

Earthen road being upgraded to tarred facility in TadaU Twsp.
A rural earthen road linking Thungeltaw Village with Myotha Village in TadaU Township, Mandalay Region is being upgraded to a tarred facility.
Two-storey house burnt to ashes in Shwebo
Chief Minister of Sagaing Region Dr. Myint Naing provided cash and kind to fire victims in Shwebo Township yesterday morning.
Fourth-Year Performances of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER)
With the main objectives to attract more investment into the country to boost national development and to systematically handle the aids, the assistances and the loans, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER) is working in top gear.