Mass immunization campaign conducted in Myinmu Twsp.

The staff from the Department of Health under the Ministry of Health and Sports conducted a mass immunization campaign against polio, measles and rubella at the ward administrator’s office in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region starting from 19 may.
Hospitals in evolving health challenges
Addressing key health challenges such as changes in disease burden and population dynamics, in governance and funding mechanisms,
COVID-19 pandemic and loss of means of livelihood for workers
The International Labour Organization recently announced that over 1.6 billion persons are likely to lose their means of livelihood because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We need to continuously look at not only the long term health, economic, and social needs of the country but also the political goals: State Counsellor
State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi wrote on her Facebook page yesterday that in formulating COVID related plans, ...........
People with irregular income in Dagon Myothit Seikkan Tsp. receive foodstuffs

Drinking Water donated to rural people in Gangaw Tsp.

Chin State government provides rice to Tedim Tsp.