Create learning opportunities for students to cover their age

The outbreak of COVID-19 shut down the ways of all opportunities of global people as the pandemic spreads across the world.
Nothing is more important than human life
Preparations are being made to reopen schools at different levels as the infection rate is on the decrease in Myanmar.
Assist in reducing natural disaster risks in Myanmar
Global countries including Myanmar face various natural disasters triggered by climate change. Till last year, Myanmar has suffered from impacts of flash flooding, landslides, thunderstorms ............
Implement national biodiversity strategy for environmental conservation
WITH regard to environmental conservation, Myanmar, being a member of the Convention of Biological Diversity-CBD in 1995, implements the National Biodiversity Strategy ..............
Ease workloads, burdens, tensions of child labour
Child labour is triggered by the neo-slavery system because it is one of the different forms of labour exploitation over the premature workers. Actually, ...............
Prepare to be ready to produce COVID-19 vaccines
T REATMENT for patients and prevention of diseases rely on vaccines and drugs in the medical arena. Up to now, nobody can produce the drugs and vaccines for the treatment of COVID-19 ...........
Rationally analyze acts of status on social media
ALL the events, movements, behaviours and bodies are combined with centres, edges and extreme edges on the length and breadth of both sides. In fact, these extreme edges depend on users as well as doers.