STATE Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing sent a message to the ceremony to mark the 69th Anniversary of Kayin State Day, which falls on 7 November 2024. The full text of the message is as follows: -
Esteemed ethnic national brethren from Kayin State
I extend my greetings to all ethnic national brethren in Kayin State and across the Union with my best wishes for all physical and mental well-being on this auspicious occasion of the 69th Anniversary of Kayin State Day, today.
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is a sovereign nation that has possessed its own culture, literature and languages over the years. Historical evidence firmly shows that all national brethren have been residing in all parts of the nation in unison.
Kayin ethnics have been living in Kayin State together with other ethnics in fraternity since yore. In 1885, our country lost its independence and fell under the colonial rule. After losing independence, all ethnic nationalities residing in various parts of the Union unitedly fought colonialists and fascists with patriotic spirit and anti-colonial spirit and regained independence. Afterwards, regions and states were established, and it was initiated to set the areas where most of the Kayin ethnics reside were designated as the Kayin State.
According to the 1951 Constitutional Amendment Act No 62, the Papun region of Thanlwin District was designated as the Kayin State. Moreover, Kya-in Seikkyi, Kawkareik, Hlaingbwe, Hpa-an and Thandaunggyi townships, totalling six townships, close to Thanlwin District, were added to the Kayin State as the second phase in accord with the 1952 Kayin State Expansion Act No 14. On 1 March 1960, Myawady was set as a township, and then it was added to the Kayin State as the seventh township. The date — 7 November 1955 — when the 1951 Constitutional Amendment Act for the emergence of Kayin State was apporved was designated as the Kayin State Day. The yearly celebration of the significant day is held on a grand scale, and today’s occasion is the 69th time. The Kayin State, formed with seven townships in four districts, was reconstituted with six districts, upgrading Kya-in Seikkyi and Thandaunggyi townships as districts at the time of the current government to initiate political, economic and social development activities effectively.
Kayin ethnics are living in the Kayin State together with Shan, Pa-O, Bamar, Mon and others amicably and peacefully. Kayin State, blessed with favourable weather and natural resources such as rivers and creeks, waterfalls and streams, high mountain ranges and lush and green forests, is located in the southeast of the country. In addition, the natural beauty of Mount Zwekabin is an excellent landmark of Kayin State. Moreover, Kayin State possesses ancient cultural heritage such as stupas and temples, wonderfully natural caves and lovely traditional culture. Kayin ‘Don Dance’, which is an lively dance of Kayin ethnics, is the most significant together with sounds of the frog drum at Mount Zwekabin not only at home but abroad.
After the country had regained independence, the divide-and-rule administration of colonialists sparked armed conflicts in Kayin State due to misunderstandings among ethnic national brethren. Consequently, Kayin State experienced periods of conflicts and chaos. Later, a ceasefire agreement was signed to ensure the stability of the region with internal peace and peaceful results, which are the actual essence of the State. As emphasized in the agreements mentioned in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), ethnic armed organizations signed the NCA and are implementing the provisions of the NCA together. As different political attitudes facing the State today are being resolved through armed struggle lines, fighting, and terror acts, residents from relevant regions are experiencing various hardships. I would like to urge all stakeholders to follow the provisions of NCA by seeking solutions through dialogue. Currently, the government is striving to fully foster peace and stability and the rule of law across the Union and pouring out utmost efforts for development amid hardships. Moreover, the government is carrying out the tasks in pursuit of the Roadmap, including “Emphasis will be placed on ensuring peace and stability and the full rule of law across the whole Union, and on successfully conducting a free and fair multiparty democratic general election”.
Moreover, efforts are being made to forge durable peace for the entire nation, ensure peace and stability and the rule of law, strengthen a genuine, disciplined multiparty democratic system and build the Union based on democracy and federalism in accord with the political objectives to hold a free and fair multiparty democratic general election aligned with Myanmar. As such, I would like to urge ethnic people from various regions and states to ensure the peace and stability of the country and its overall development.
Esteemed ethnic national brethren,
The government is undertaking education, health, the rule of law and the development of road transport for the development of the State economy. In the economic sector, internal and external trade are being initiated through maritime trade routes as well as land borders, including those of Kayin State. Although trade secures development based on figures, illegal trade is being conducted at border regions daily. So, the State economy cannot achieve as expected. Due to unacceptable charges and costs along the route to the border trade, prices of commodities can rise. As such, supervision is being conducted to ease restrictions in trade routes and resident ethnic people have to cooperate with the government in its measures. In addition, agriculture and livestock breeding tasks are being encouraged primarily to achieve progress in manufacturing and businesses in State economic promotion measures. Efforts are being made to secure the target production in growing paddy. It is an absolute necessity to export rice to ensure local food security.
It is necessary to emphasize the production process to develop micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. If these enterprises are operated with technology to produce value-added products, it will contribute to the development of the State economy. As MSMEs based on agriculture and livestock breeding farms operate in all parts of Kayin State in addition to the entire nation to improve the socioeconomic lives of ethnic people, other regional and state governments, including Kayin State, have to enhance the State economy. Efforts to develop agriculture and livestock farming tasks can help the more significant operation of manufacturing and industries, as well as the service sector. Hence, it can contribute to an increase in the State’s GDP. As human resources play a crucial role in systematically operating agriculture and livestock breeding farms, it is necessary to produce those with skills in agriculture and livestock measures. Hence, the education sector is being encouraged to have comprehensive education to become educated in the human resources essential for the State.
In an effort to develop the education sector, 70 per cent of basic education schools have been reopened in the entire nation, with attendance of 92 per cent of students. When the schools which were temporarily closed due to violent acts and natural disasters are reopened, extra schooling times are set for students by teaching them to have actual school education. As the country is being shaped to become a Union based on democracy and federalism, people must have knowledge, techniques and correct ideology. Hence, all entire people are urged to take part in the process of teaching all school-age children and nurturing youths to have five strengths and capabilities. With regard to the health sector, health staff, departmental personnel, and ethnic people overcome difficulties and crises based on the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters through collaborative efforts. The government is striving to ensure peace and stability of the State and development while managing to enable individuals in good health conditions, to have knowledge and jobs for earning income, and reduce poverty to improve the essential socioeconomic lives of citizens. Only when ethnic individuals have socioeconomic lives will the country develop. So, I would like to urge all to implement visions in relevant sectors and regions to enhance the socioeconomic lives of individuals. I deeply urge all ethnic people to join hands with the government in combatting instigations and terror acts of terrorist groups which are opposing the government without wishing to restore peace and stability of the State. The government firmly believes that it can overcome any crises and challenges that may fall on the State and the people through a patriotic spirit based on a genuine Union spirit.
Esteemed ethnic national brethren,
Moreover, all ethnic national brethren residing in Kayin State have to strive for the emergence of the Kayin State with more peace and prosperity. The strength of the nation lives within, and the strength of Kayin State is the collaborative efforts of national brethren residing in the State. At present, I would like to sincerely urge all ethnic national brethren to make collective efforts to overcome difficulties and challenges they face to strengthen a disciplined, multiparty democratic system and build a Union based on democracy and federalism that the entire national people aspire to.
I send this message with the best wishes that all ethnic people residing in Kayin State enjoy fruits of peace, prosperity and development of the region from this auspicious occasion of the 69th Anniversary of Kayin State Day to forthcoming years, and may they all have capabilities to unite the Kayin State through the unity and harmony within the peaceful, prosperous and developed Union.
Senior General
Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing
Prime Minister
State Administration Council