ON 9 January 2025, Secretary-General Mr Shi Zhongjun of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met Dr Aung Zeya, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology of Myanmar.


Mr Shi Zhongjun welcomed Deputy Minister Dr Aung Zeya on his visit to the ACC and highlighted that cooperation in scientific research and vocational education has always been an integral part of ASE­AN-China and Myanmar-China relations, which has yielded fruitful outcomes. Within the framework of the 2025 ASEAN-China Year of People-to-people Exchanges and in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Myanmar and China, the ACC is committed to fur­ther deepening practical cooperation to promote mutual benefits for both nations, while contributing new momentum to the ASEAN-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.


Dr Aung Zeya expressed his appreci­ation for the ACC’s work and stressed that Myanmar attaches great importance to co­operation with China and looks forward to more pragmatic collaboration with the ACC in vocational education, technical training, science and technology, and tourism, thus better contributing to Myanmar’s social and economic development and people-to-people exchanges between Myanmar and China. — MNA