DEPUTY Prime Minister Union Minister for Planning and Fi­nance U Win Shein, who is also Chairman of the Microfinance Business Supervisory Commit­tee, presided over the 1/2025 committee meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.


First, the Union minister said there are 174 microfinance institutions in regions and states, which have been operating their business activities in 2,300 wards and 27,006 villages in 263 town­ships, with 3.228 million mem­bers and K2,011.077 million granted loans until January 2025.


The microfinance institu­tions should follow the law, rules and regulations, procedures and directives in offering financial services.


Moreover, the companies granted loans to MSMEs in ad­dition to the agricultural sector for the State economic develop­ment, and the committee also works with the Central Bank of Myanmar in allowing corporate insurance representatives of microfinance institutions and using digital financial services


to collect the loans and grant loans to the borrowers’ accounts.


The collaboration of microf­inance institutions in addition to the local banks is needed to grant loans for the MSMEs develop­ment. All should follow the rules and regulations of the Central Bank of Myanmar in using digital financial services. The licensed microfinance institutions also need to follow the enacted law, procedures and directives with­out fail.


Then, the attendees coordi­nated the discussion.


The meeting permitted three local companies for mi­crofinance services, four compa­nies for capital increases, three corporate life insurance repre­sentatives and three companies for expansion of the industry. — MNA/KTZH