Give a helping hand but don’t interfere in internal affairs

September 06

Generally, Myanmar people are honest and humble in nature of paying respect not only to their friends but to strangers in their relations as they are handling their daily works under the guidance of Buddhism and other religions.

Myanmar ethnic people do not have hostility against others for any reason. But Myanmar history showed the valour of Myanmar people in fighting against the invader colonialists in struggling for regaining Myanmar’s independence in successive eras. Whenever the country faces a state of emergency, Myanmar people showed their brilliant valour with relentlessly patriotic spirit.

In successive eras, Myanmar people did not accept the interference of others in their internal affairs. They firmly believe they are able to solve their problems and they do not need any influence. Myanmar people are sensitive to encroachment and attacks on their sovereignty because they are capable to thoroughly defend their land and sovereignty not losing the independence of the country once more.

Myanmar’s attitude is very clear that they warmly welcome the helping hands with genuine goodwill. But they never accept any aid with an attachment that may be shifted to influence or interference. It is the good tradition of Myanmar leaders with farsightedness for the future image of Myanmar. In history, Myanmar has provided many aids to friendship countries and neighbouring countries many times without seeking any benefits.

The history of the globe proves many countries failed under the aid with attachments one after another. Despite possessing the small strength, Myanmar has been dodging the dangers of powerful countries which are always trying to neo-colonize the small countries so as to enlarge their dominated arenas. All Myanmar people should take lessons from the past bitter events of the failed countries which collapsed under the beautiful words of neo-colonialists to be able to apply the experiences for the motherland in the future.

Myanmar people need to forge unity among them for safeguarding the State and sovereignty of the nation. It is an inborn duty of all Myanmar people. They must have a wider scope of knowledge to be able to analyze the updated global situations to understand the consequences of right and wrong events. Especially, they all have to uphold the State interests forever.