State Administration Council Chair Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended the ceremony affirming the Myanmar Press Council members yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw.


SENIOR General Min Aung Hlaing said the country adopts a demo­cratic system correctly and aims to build a Union based on democracy and a federal system, whereas freedom of expression is a must under the law in a democratic society and good governance and development are also essential.


State Administration Council Chair­man Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said so in his speech at the ceremony of the affirmation of the mem­bers of the Myanmar Press Council, at the office of the SAC Chairman yesterday morning.


He continued that balanced and harmonious actions are needed for the aforesaid factors. The Constitution states that every citizen has the right to express and publish their convictions and opinions freely if not contrary to the laws, enact­ed for Union security, the prevalence of law and order, community peace and tranquillity or public order and morality. However, freedom is limited, and the expression should not affect the freedom and rights of others or organizations or the government. Although there is free­dom and rights, one should have respon­sibility, accountability and ethics, on the other hand.


As such, the media sector plays a key role. Today, the powerful countries in terms of politics and economics are rais­ing the journalists to influence and manip­ulate the developing countries which are on the way to democracy. They neglect the attitudes and grievances of people and broadcast the news that they want via these journalists. The worst action is that they accelerate the conflicts and unrest in a small and developing country aiming to disintegrate the nation in any possible ways.


The characteristic of democracy, es­pecially, is “accepting the diversities”, and the media personnel should accept and practise the culture understanding the differences in opinion, ideas and work­place and respect the mutual existence.


There is also a gap in knowledge, education and skills of the people of the country due to different pressures before and after regaining independence. Cur­rently, Tatmadaw is serving State duties, and the foreign-backed journalists spread misinformation and hate speech to mis­lead the public. It can be accepted that journalists are human beings and they might have different opinions and per­sonal subjectivities. However, they should not prioritize their own interests, opinions and attitudes in expressing political and public affairs. Moreover, if they put a special emphasis only on their beliefs and neglect others’ different opinions and beliefs, they are going to be considered journalists who lack honesty.


Under the Press Law, the major du­ties of the Press Council are monitoring and upgrading the capacity building of the press, coordinating with the relevant government departments for the facilita­tion of the import of materials used in the press, arranging to hold workshops and talks relating to the press, coordinating with media organizations for conferring awards to the outstanding persons of the press and drawing up the projects for the development of the press industry.


He then appreciated the efforts of the former Press Council, and encouraged the new council members to serve duties grabbing significant successes.


He also talked about the construc­tion of “Sarso Beikman”, and mentioned national leader Bogyoke Aung San as a journalist for his unique writing skills, and also described journalism as a river for having many channels for expressing literature-based artworks, living style and socioeconomic growth, the emergence of society, history of political, economy and cultural issues.


He also stressed the role of news me­dia for a country that is in an early stage of transition to democracy, whereas some powerful countries blame on it human rights and democratic norms to mould the country into the one they want. There­fore, the country prioritizes the actual situation and socioeconomic status of the country based on the historical lessons, duties and stipulations of the Constitution instead of the democratic norms that are not suitable for the country, in heading to the main goal of the country.


In such situations, the press person­nel under the name of the fourth pillar, are urged to express the right and wrong, good points and weak points honestly and fairly, and should not be the subordinates of any person or organization. They also should respect ethics, uphold the inter­ests of the country and people, work for the news media freely, and also should curb and tackle the propaganda that leads to unrest and protest in the country.


After the speech, the Senior General had a documentary photo taken togeth­er with the council members. He then served the council members with tea and cordially greeted them.


At the event, the MPC chairman, vice-chairpersons, and members along­side the secretary and joint secretary took affirmation in the presence of the Senior General. — MNA/KTZH