Family farms broccoflower thrive in Pinlebu, Sagaing

The family farms of broccoflower are thriving and the business is doing well in Pinlebu Township in Sagaing Region, according to U Min Kyaw, a township cauliflower grower in Moe Kaung Ward.

The broccoflower has been grown and sold on a small scale by families since September for K500 for a large flower. In addition to it, cauliflowers, cabbages, Chinese kales, collards, tomatoes, beans, pumpkins, gourds and other vegetables are also being grown and sold.

Although the crop is not selling better than in previous years due to COVID-19, the all-year-round small-scale family farms provide a regular daily income and support the family business.

After growing the paddy, family plants winter crops on the backyard plots of land and sand banks and sell them to annually support family business in Pinlebu Township.

Myo Lwin (IPRD)(Translated by Ei Phyu Phyu Aung)