Malaria, one of three life-threatening diseases namely tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS, triggered by par­asites can be transmitted to human beings through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Till today, malaria has been posing threat to the global people.


Such a disease can break out through infection from one person to another based on mosquito bites. Mostly, Anopheles mosquitoes inhabit the swamps and other wetlands as well as thick foliage areas. Such a mosquito can be reproductive in various parts of Myanmar. So, parasites of such diseases can spread across the nation. Hence, most of the service personnel from the construction and forestry arenas suffer from malaria.


A parasite species can re­generate in the western parts of the country and another one in the eastern parts. Among 330 townships across the na­tion, as malaria can break out in 291 townships, people residing there need to take special care of preventing the disease in cooperation with health staff.


Symptoms of malaria show high fever, sweating, headache, tiredness, stomach problems, muscle and joint pains, lack of taste, vomiting and so on. If the patients are in a very serious situation, they may lose their lives.


According to the statistics, there were estimated 247 mil­lion cases of malaria through­out the world in 2021. So also, the estimated number of ma­laria death stood at 619,000 in 2021. As such, people need to take preventive measures against malaria to save their lives.


In so doing, they have to clean their environment and make the proper flow of water in drains. On the other hand, officials from the Ministry of Health need to raise public awareness about the dos and don’ts of the disease.


Myanmar’s national malaria control project aims not to cause any patients with falciparum malaria virus in 2025 and not to have any malaria patients infected by people to people via mosquito bites in 2030. To do so, the government is implementing the Global technical strategy for malaria 2016-2030 of the World Health Organ­ization for the sake of the global people. Hence, the government accelerates the important measures on disease surveillance to eradicate the infection of malaria.


As a dutiful person, every citizen is responsible for informing relevant health departments about the findings of the malaria virus within 24 hours to cut off the chains of infection.


Now, Myanmar joins hands with six countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-region in implementing the pledge to eradicate malaria in six GMS coun­tries by 2030. Hence, all the people should actively participate in the malaria eradication measures together with the government.