SENIOR General Min Aung Hlaing highlighted the need to counter hate speech, misinformation, and fabrications that undermine peace, sta­bility, the rule of law, and the promotion of fair, just, and orderly rights to create human rights as a fundamental force for a peaceful and equal world.


State Administration Council Chair­man Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered a speech at the ceremony to mark the 76th International Human Rights Day at Myanmar Inter­national Convention Centre I in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.


In his speech, the Senior General pointed out that efforts to disrupt peace and stability in the country are destroy­ing the freedoms and human rights of ethnic people, and that these rights are being violated through armed violence, before urging all ethnic groups to unite and work together to oppose and combat these destructive actions so that they can enjoy equal rights and live in peace and prosperity.


He noted that 10 December 2024 marks the 76th anniversary of the adop­tion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the 76th an­niversary of International Human Rights Day, which commemorates this event.


The Prime Minister also recounted Myanmar’s vote in favour of ratifying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Na­tions General Assembly on 10 December 1948, shortly after the country gained independence in January of that year, as well as the fact that the Declaration was first drafted in 1946 and was ratified and published two years later, on 10 December 1948.


He also underscored clear signs that Myanmar recognizes and respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the enshrinement of the funda­mental rights and duties of its citizens in its Constitution, in addition to rati­fying the Declaration; the consistent implementation of its important human rights standards; and the embodiment of the principles of justice, freedom, and equality in its national anthem.


He continued to say that the United Nations theme for the 76th International Human Rights Day 2024 is ‘Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now’, and encour­aged citizens to create and build a better future by adhering to and practising human rights within a disciplined frame­work. He emphasized that the world today faces many challenges, including instability and conflict, and that the rule of law is essential to overcoming these challenges and building a world of peace and justice, where inequalities and dis­criminatory systems are incompatible with human rights.


The State Administration Council Chairman mentioned that for a country to be stable, peaceful, and developed, it is essential for its ethnic groups to en­joy, respect, and observe human rights, which is why the country is a party to international human rights treaties and actively participates in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, a global mechanism that regularly assesses the human rights situation in all countries.


He also said that the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, established by law in 2014, has set goals and responsibilities to further promote and protect citizens’ human rights and foster a society that respects, protects, and observes these rights.


He reaffirmed the government’s efforts to implement the rights, equality, and national unity of the ethnic groups living in the country, and every effort to achieve internal peace, which is the essence of the state, the state’s commit­ment to the successful holding of free and fair multiparty democratic general elections to create a union based on democracy and federalism, as desired by all ethnic groups, as well as to further improve stability, the rule of law, and security necessary for the election.


He reassured that the gov­ernment will continue to imple­ment the five-point roadmap and nine objectives set for the development of a peaceful, mod­ern, developed, and disciplined democratic country while calling on all ethnic groups to work to­gether with the government to create a country of peace, pros­perity, socioeconomic develop­ment, and high human rights standards.


After the Prime Minister’s speech, Myanmar National Hu­man Rights Commission Chair­man U Paw Lwin Sein explained the implementation of the work, and Vice-Chair Dr Nanda Hmun read a message from the Sec­retary-General of the United Nations.


Afterwards, the State Ad­ministration Council Chairman Prime Minister, and those at­tending the ceremony watched a video clip commemorating the 76th International Human Rights Day.


Next, the Myanmar Nation­al Human Rights Commission chairman presented the com­memorative medal for the 76th International Human Rights Day to the State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minis­ter, before artistes from the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture performed a dance to the Hu­man Rights Commission song.


The Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister, and those attending the ceremony observed the My­anmar National Human Rights Commission’s human rights promotion and educational ac­tivities.


The ceremony was attend­ed by General Ye Win Oo, Joint Secretary of the State Adminis­tration Council, members of the council, Union-level officials and ministers, the chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Council, senior Tat­madaw officers, the commander of the Nay Pyi Taw Command, deputy ministers, officials from the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, represent­atives of civil society organiza­tions, guests, and students. — MNA/TH