It is essential to continuously learn and adapt in alignment with the age of technology and the AI era.


Senior General Min Aung Hlaing ex­pressed his appreciation for the efforts of those serving in national defence and ensuring the security of the nation and its people.


It is necessary to continuously research, study, and expand the teachings on evolving military strategies, weaponry, and military sciences that have advanced with the passage of time, said Chairman of the State Administra­tion Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on his inspection tour of the local training depot in Taungnyo Station of Nay Pyi Taw Command yesterday morning.

The Senior General accom­panied by Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Tun Aung, senior Tatmadaw officers from the Of­fice of the Commander-in-Chief and the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, inspected the local training depot in Taung­nyo Station and Tatmadaw TV Broadcasting Unit (Taungnyo) of Nay Pyi Taw Command.


At the meeting hall, the com­mandant of the depot reported on the brief history of the depot, conducting training courses, operation of agricultural and livestock farms of the depot and welfare measures.


After hearing the reports, the Senior General stressed the need to give physical training to trainees depending on their age and rank.


He underscored that Tat­madaw members have to con­tinuously research, study, and expand the teachings on evolving military strategies, weaponry, and military sciences that have advanced with the passage of time, to systematically produce qualified trainees capable of serving the defence and security of the State.


The Senior General viewed round the booths of the depot and lecture halls and left necessary guidance.


In meeting with Tatmadaw members, families and trainees at the training department, the Senior General urged them to constantly study the develop­ment of military science, take training to have better skills in military tactics and follow the prescribed rules and regulations.


He continued that as to­day is the age of knowledge, all Tatmadaw members have to accumulate knowledge from internet pages and books for the development of their lives and the improvement of individual capacity.


The Senior General noted that administrative leaders need to correctly fulfil the deserved rights of individual Tatmadaw members and resolve their re­quirements.


The Senior General high­lighted that officers and other ranks are diligently serving their duties in national defence and security on the front lines of the battlefield while families are sup­porting them.


He expressed his appre­ciation for the efforts of those serving in national defence and ensuring the security of the na­tion and its people.


He added that if one adheres to the rules and regulations set forth by Tatmadaw and conducts themselves as a disciplined and exemplary soldier, they will be able to perform their duties diligently and with satisfaction in their working environment, fostering a sense of happiness and fulfilment.


The Senior General pre­sented foodstuffs for Tatmadaw members, families and trainees of the depot to the station com­mander and cordially greeted them.


At Tatmadaw TV Broadcast­ing Unit (Taungnyo), the Senior General had lunch together with Tatmadaw members and service personnel.


The commandant of the Tat­madaw TV Broadcasting Unit reported on the brief history of the unit, accomplishment of the guidance of the Head of State, and broadcasting of news and other programmes.


Speaking on the occasion, the Senior General underlined that in carrying out broadcast­ing operations, it is essential to observe and study the broad­casts of other local and interna­tional news agencies to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their own broadcasts, derive lessons, and take action to im­prove and enhance broadcasting activities.


He gave guidance that the unit needs to broadcast pro­grammes on health knowledge, and agricultural and livestock techniques for the people.


The Senior General viewed round the screening of a health knowledge programme, news reading, and other operations and gave instructions to relevant sections.


He inspected the site chosen for the construction of the TV Museum and responded to the reports of officials.


In meeting with Tatmadaw members and service personnel from the Tatmadaw TV Broad­casting Unit, the Senior General stressed that this era is the age of technology, an era of AI, and it is essential to continuously learn and adapt in alignment with the evolving times.


He underscored that broad­casting activities should be car­ried out with a broad perspective, contributing to the nation’s inter­ests by disseminating valuable knowledge and necessary infor­mation to the public. Tatmadaw members of the unit have to ac­cumulate knowledge and share it with the audiences.


To effectively carry out the duties assigned, he pointed out that it is necessary to analyze and explore ways to perform tasks successfully, thereby con­tributing to the overall progress of the entire operation.


After the meeting, the Sen­ior General presented foodstuffs and cash awards for Tatmadaw members and service personnel from the unit to the comman­dant. — MNA/TTA