Hsihseng, 14 January
The distribution of cash for houses under the 2024-2025 fiscal year’s program for more resilient homes to severe disasters took place at 10 a.m. this morning at the meeting hall of the Township General Administration Department in Hsihseng Township, Shan State.
First, U Aung San Oo, Chairman of the Township Administration Body, delivered a speech, and U Soe Naing, Director of the State Disaster Management Department, explained the plan for preventive measures against severe weather. Following that, the villagers in attendance raised questions, which were answered by the responsible officials.
Under this strong winds prevention project, a total of 1,260,000 kyats was provided for 200 houses, including 50 houses in Palopake village tract, 50 houses in Ban Yin village tract, 50 houses in Pin Sone village tract, and 50 houses in Loi Put village tract in Hsihseng Township, at a rate of 63,000 kyats per house.— Township IPRD
Translated by JT