THE emergence of Kayah State Day was based on rechris­tening Kayah State on 15 January 1952 through public consensus under the Constitutional Amendment Act in 1951 from Kayinni State mentioned in the Constitution 1947. From then on, the day has been marked Kayin State Day yearly.


Now is the significant time for local ethnic populations to make collaborative efforts with the government to shape Kayah State with stability, peace and development by grasping strong foundations while striving to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy the fruits of durable peace.


In retrospect, Myanmar has experienced armed conflicts alongside its independence, and it has been over 76 years since these conflicts began. It is important to examine the reasons behind these ongo­ing armed struggles. Under­standing the historical context allows everybody to recognize the shortcomings of past pe­riods and will contribute to a better future. Political dif­ferences were not addressed through political means but rather through the armed struggle line, leading to in­ternal armed conflicts.


Some foreign countries, which claim to be defending democracy, are also support­ing and encouraging armed terror attacks that are directly or indirectly against the dem­ocratic system. It should be noted carefully that these ac­tions aim to manipulate their countries to establish control and delay the people’s desire for a multiparty democratic system, ultimately support­ing a dictatorship disguised as democracy.


The government must continue to implement a gen­uine and disciplined multipar­ty democratic system, which reflects the aspirations of the people. To implement this, necessary preparations are being made to hold free and fair gen­eral elections that allow for true representation of the people’s desire. Following the will of the ethnic people, the government, Tatmadaw, all civil servants, all civil society organizations, and the entire population must unite and work together to build a Union based on democracy and a federal system.


The key requirement for the development and progress of the nation and the establishment of a democratic State is the complete education and correct thinking of all the people. The people must manage and protect the interests of the nation and the public with knowledge. For a state to emerge as more peaceful, prosperous, and developed, the spirit and strength of all the national brethren living in Kayah State are crucial. Just as the strength of a nation comes from within the nation itself, the strength of a state also derives from the combined power of all its national brethren.