THE Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA) has announced plans to conduct a waterbird census in TadaU Township, Mandalay Region.
This initiative is part of BANCA’s Asian Waterbird Census programme and will take place in Pyu Lake, Paleik Lake and Banaw Lake from 20 to 22 January. BANCA has invited bird enthusiasts and individuals interested in birdwatching to observe the census activities independently.
The Asian Waterbird Census is also conducted in Myanmar’s Ramsar sites, such as Inlay Lake, Indawgyi Lake, and Moeyungyi Wetland, as well as other critical areas like Pyu Lake, Paleik Lake and Banaw Lake in the central region. It involves ornithologists and birdwatching enthusiasts.
Participants typically include administrators and staff of Inlay Lake, Indawgyi Lake, and Moeyungyi Wetland wildlife sanctuaries, teachers and students from Mandalay, Yangon, Taunggyi, and Loikaw universities, as well as representatives from organizations such as Bird and Nature Tour Myanmar (BNTM), SST Tourism Company, Mandalay In Bloom (MIB), FFI, and BANCA.
The latest records highlight the diversity and population of waterbirds and wetland-dependent birds in key areas. At Indawgyi Lake, 93 species have been documented, with a population exceeding 25,000 individual waterbirds. Inlay Lake hosts 36 waterbird species (13,271 individuals) and 55 wetland-dependent species (2,015 individuals). Moeyungyi Wetland boasts 84 species, including over 15,000 waterbirds. Paleik Lake is home to 32 species, including rare birds such as the Baer’s Pochard, with over 1,500 individuals. Meanwhile, Pyu Lake supports 29 species, with a population of over 1,100 waterbirds. — ASH/ MKKS