THE awards ceremony for the U-21 athletics competitions under the Fifth National Sports Festival took place yesterday morning at Wunna Theikdi Stadium in Nay Pyi Taw.

Initially, Daw Than Than, a former national athlete and ex­ecutive of the Myanmar Athletics Federation, presented individual medals and commemorative tro­phies to winners of the women’s long jump event. The first-prize went to Mon State, the second to Taninthayi Region, and the third to Ayeyawady Region. Similarly, Daw Jennifer Tin Lay, another former national athlete and ex­ecutive, honoured winners of the women’s 5,000-metre race, with Taninthayi Region securing first prize , followed by Shan State in second and third prizes.


Next, Kayin State’s Minis­ter for Social Affairs U Saw Tun Aung presented awards to the men’s 5,000-metre race winners, with Shan State claiming first prize, Yangon Region second, and Kachin State third. Addition­ally, Sagaing Region’s Minister for Social Affairs U Nyunt Win Aung, awarded the winners of the women’s discus throw event. Shan State achieved first prize, while Sagaing Region took sec­ond and third prizes.


Deputy Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Htein Lin then presented awards for the men’s discus throw competition, where Magway Region earned first and third prizes, with Yangon Region coming in second. Mean­while, Deputy Minister U Zin Min Htet presented awards for the women’s 20-kilometre race­walking event, in which Sagaing Region won first prize, Shan State second, and Ayeyawady Region third. Union Minister U Min Thein Zan later honoured the winners of the men’s 20-kilo­metre racewalking event, with Shan State taking both first and second prizes, while Taninthayi Region secured third prize.


The competitions continued with prizes awarded across vari­ous events. Daw Nu Nu Yi, a for­mer national athlete, presented awards to winners of the women’s 400-metre race, with Taninthayi Region winning first, Shan State second, and Rakhine State third. U Khin Maung Kyi, Ayeyawady Region’s Minister for Social Af­fairs, awarded winners of the women’s 400-metre relay, where Taninthayi Region took first prize, followed by Ayeyawady Region and Rakhine State in second and third prizes.


Further honours were pre­sented by U Thant Zin, a former national athlete, to winners of the men’s 400-metre relay, with Taninthayi Region taking first prize, Ayeyawady Region second, and Mandalay Region third. Ad­ditionally, Daw Mar Mar Min, a former national athlete, awarded winners of the men’s long jump event, with Ayeyawady Region claiming first prize, Magway Region second, and Bago Re­gion third. Daw Than Than also awarded winners of the men’s 400-metre race, with Sagaing Re­gion taking both first and second prizes and Yangon Region com­ing in third.


The final matches and awards ceremonies for the Fifth National Sports Festival, which includes competitions at the min­isterial, inter-state and regional levels, are scheduled to continue on 11 December at designated sports venues and stadiums. — MNA/KZL