Kamma, 4 December

With the aim of ensuring cultivation and production of crops, winter agricultural loans for 2024-2025 fiscal years are being disbursed to farmers who are also members of the Bank from 18 village tracts in Kamma Township of Magway Region.

The Township Myanma Agricultural Development Bank has disbursed the loans to 43 farmers for 152 acres of farmland at 10:00 am on 4 December. As of December 4, the Bank has disbursed K 186.9 million to 564 farmers from nine village tracts for 1869 acres of farmland at the rate of K 100000 per acre of winter crops such as ground nut, green gram, mung bean and Black Pelun Beans. So far, 50 percent of the loans have been dispensed to farmers in the Township.

The rest of farmers from 18 village tracts in the Township will be disbursed winter agricultural loans.—U Kyaw Zay Ya Win(Kamma)  

Translated by JT