Are you malnourished? Quite possibly

The word ‘malnutrition’ tends to invoke images of starving children in refugee camps, fleeing conflict or drought in lands far-away. While that image does reflect a reality of hunger, it does not solely define malnutrition nor those who suffer from it.
“The Czech Republic as an EU member country would like to serve as a bridge between the European Union and both Myanmar and the region in order to bring about a better understanding of each other.”
Q1. Excellency, We would also like to know the depth of changes and pace of reforms you have noticed during your term in Myanmar.
Global Handwashing Day 2019: Focus on ”Clean Hands for All”
Global Handwashing Day takes place on 15 October every year and is the Global Handwashing partnership’s and the worlds biggest platform for raising awareness about the importance of hand washing with soap as fundamental to good health and development.
Bad habits of smoking and betel-chewing in Myanmar
I am disappointed when I see Myanmar people, young and old alike, are seen smoking or chewing a quid of betel. It compels me to write this article.
Mt Kyaikhtiyo tour in 24hours
It was around 7 pm on 7th October in Yangon. Phoe Kyaw and Wai Wai set out their tour to Mount Kyaikhtiyo from down-town.
Bilat Pyan old Myanmar Painting
In the British Colonial Period [1885-1948 A.D] England was commonly known and called ‘’Bilat (ဘိလပ်) old Persians [Iran] called England ‘Bi Lat” which Myanmar used. So it is said Great Britain. United Kingdom [U.K] England London were also commonly used. In fact ‘’Great Brtiain” and United Kingdom [UK] were not one single country.
Dala Shipyard   constructing marine vessels for 150 years
DALA Shipyard  in  Yangon Region, Dala Township, Aungmingala Ward had been constructing  and  maintaining  marine  vessels  for  more  than  150 years to transport people and goods over water.