US media: CDC urging states to prepare for vaccine

3 Sep

US media report the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has notified health authorities in all 50 states that they should expect a coronavirus vaccine to be available by late October to early November.

The New York Times reports the CDC issued guidelines for public health officials to prepare to distribute vaccines as soon as late October or early November.

ABC Television also reports the CDC sent documents dated August 27 to health departments asking them to fast-track or exempt approval procedures so that vaccination facilities will be ready by November 1.

Coronavirus vaccines currently under development have not yet passed the final phase of clinical trials.

But China and Russia have authorized their use, and US authorities have suggested they too would approve emergency use of the vaccines.

Some media have cited concerns among experts that vaccines could be distributed before a sufficient review of their safety and effectiveness, under pressure from President Donald Trump, who wants to showcase his anti-coronavirus achievements in the run-up to the presidential election in November.