Fuel prices exceed K2,000 on 11 August

In the first week of August, the price of 92 fuel was around K1,600 per litre, and on 11 August, it rose to K2,140, which increased by more than K540 in four days, ...............
SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing ­
STATE ­Chairman Prime Minister Sen-ior General Min Aung Hlaing planted a Gangaw (Mesua ferrea) sapling at a
Mandalay University’s Botany Department conducts research activities at Crown Prince's Toddy Land
THE Department of Bot-any from the University ­conducting research activities at the Crown Prince's Toddy Land
 SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing receives member of House of Representatives Mr Hiromichi Watanabe of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
CHAIRMAN of the State Admin­istration Council Prime Minis­ter Senior General Min Aung Hlaing received a delegation led by
Cash aid provided to family of lightning victim in Kengtung Twsp.
An event to provide financial aid to the family of lightning victim was held at the meeting room of
Basic computer course concludes in Natmauk Twsp.

Agricultural loans disbursed to farmers in Kanma Township