Greater Effort Needed For Skills Training of Workers

The other day a news item on MRTV covered well the event regarding Research Conference of the Myanmar Universities under the various Ministries. The number of papers and the fields they covered were impressive.
UNION’S 27 member states emerged from an intense four-day and four-night summit on Tuesday branding a huge virus recovery plan and a trillion-euro long-term budget. 
Scientists report that airborne coronavirus is probably infectious
SCIENTISTS have known for several months the new coronavirus can become suspended in microdroplets expelled by patients when they speak and breathe, but until now there was no proof that these tiny particles are infectious. 
Middle East mythbusters battle virus ‘infodemic’
BROWSE through Arabic-language social media pages and you could walk away thinking COVID-19 is an American hoax, isn’t deadly and can be swiftly cured with a garlic clove.
The Mission of the NCP for Marine Pollution and Stockpile Contingency Analysis
The Department of Marine Administration (DMA) has finalized a National Contingency Plan for Marine Pollution (NCP) at the end of 2018.
Desperately seeking a COVID-19 vaccine — the race is on
SEVEN months after the emergence of the worst global health crisis in a century the race is on to find the medical equivalent of the Holy Grail -- a COVID-19 vaccine. 
Work from Home Culture