Schoolgirls and schoolboys — future generation — are they ready for the reopening?

Schoolboys and schoolgirls are partaking in the roles of the chief partners of every society as well as the major investment actors for the generation to come in a nation. They are also one of the keys to driving towards the sustainable development of a nation.


They are always the very basic element to the all-round development of a country sustainably for many consecutive generations to come. They are the major architects to build a future nation, too. One country needs a new generation to ever revive its continuous existence throughout history. We have read the reopening of schools in the international news coverage in recent days — in Europe, Africa, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and so on.


The pathogen has even persisted to ripple across the world without showing any sign of stopping yet. Most countries have gradually unwound their protective restrictions of confining to home and crowded gathering events.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently warned of a possible second wave of the spread of the global viral disease, the rate of which is still too difficult to keep to a minimum in most parts of the world. Different countries have run into dissimilar situations to tackle preventative measures against the coronavirus pandemic. However, schools should be reopened while the stakeholders should abide by the advisories released by relevant health authorities.


Here, we need to quote the State Counsellor emphasizing that the education of a country should not be stopped; Children might lose their enthusiasm for education when they are away from classrooms for a long time. Taking into serious and careful consideration the views of the Ministry of Education, teachers and parents, the Union Government has decided to reopen all the schools in Myanmar in July starting from the higher-level classes in the first phase. The lower-level classes will be followed up on later dates. It is a welcoming sign for all schoolboys and schoolgirls. They are eager to embrace it cheerfully. They are ready to go to school once again.

But, always be vigilant on the coronavirus disease as well as common monsoon diseases in all schools. Also, always do follow the health protocols issued by the health authorities.