New Year Message from Sitagu Sayadaw

January 01, 2020

“Appamadena Sampadetha” which encompasses all three genres of Buddhist scriptures or Tipataka.

The Buddha delivered this message twice a day. Its precise meaning is “to be mindful of world and life’. In fact, mindfulness is a gatekeeper of physical and mental actions. Anyone who can control oneself with mindfulness is a real victor.

Although King Kosala closely associated with Buddha in his lifetime, he could not restore himself to a good life. However, King Asoka became a great devotee in Buddhism after he practiced the sermon of mindfulness from Novice Nigodha. King Anawrahta who established the first Myanmar Kingdom became a committed supporter of Buddhism after hearing the Appamada Dhamma from Ashin Arahan.

Myanmar is a common land for its citizens.

Great diligence is essential for preventing the country from disintegration and for creating its prosperity.

Review the past with consciousness— “Appamadena Sampadetha”

Preview the future with constant attention—“Appamadena Sampadetha”

Like the old leaves are substituted with new ones, the old year is farewelled with “Appamadena Sampadetha”, and the New Year is also greeted with “Appamadena Sampadetha”.

All are advised to live in “Appamadena Sampadetha”

Sitagu Sayadaw Sagaing Hill