New Year Greetings of VPs, Hluttaw Speakers, C-in-C of Defence Services

No matter the difficulties that lie ahead, with the unity and collective strength of the people, by being mindful of health regulations, and with discipline and unity, I believe that we would be able to overcome this pandemic successfully: VP U Myint Swe

Greetings to all citizens and ethnic national brothers and sisters.
May you all be blessed with good health and peace of mind.

During this auspiciousness New Year period, authorities are endeavoring hard to contain and perform emergency responses to combat COVID-19, a disease which has caused much fear and anxiety to the people. No matter the difficulties that lie ahead, with the unity and collective strength of the people, by being mindful of health regulations, and with discipline and unity, I believe that we would be able to overcome this pandemic successfully.

May all ethnic national brothers and sisters overcome the COVID-19 pandemic swiftly, achieve nationwide peace and may all citizens attain improvement in all aspects of socioeconomic development. 


(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)


I believe that the people will remain at home to mitigate the chances of spreading the virus: VP U Henry Van Thio


I would first like to wish all of you auspiciousness and prosperity on the occasion of the auspicious New Year.

There are twelve seasonal festivals in Myanmar culture and the welcoming of the New Year during the Thingyan celebrations is the most enjoyable and most prominent festival of them all.

It is a deeply held belief that the Thingyan festival is the time when we wash away the negativity from the previous year. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected all countries including Myanmar, we have not been able to celebrate the Thingyan festival this year.

However, I believe that the people will remain at home to mitigate the chances of spreading the virus and symbolically wash away the old year’s negativity in their minds, as they welcome the New Year.

Take lessons from the experiences of the past year, prevent the spread of COVID-19 by resolutely making individual efforts through understanding and strong will, and warmly welcome in the Myanmar New Year of 1382 ME.

During the auspicious time of the New Year, I extend good wishes for the socioeconomic development of all ethnic national brothers and sisters; may you all be able to work strenuously and in unity for the formation of the democratic federal republic and national development; may you all be able to overcome difficulties and hardships successfully; may you all be safeguarded from calamities and be blessed with good health and happiness. 


(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)


I urge all citizens to adhere to health directives and regulations issued by the Union Government: Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker

Dear esteemed citizens of Myanmar, Greetings! May you have good health, prosperity and be free from all dangers during the New Year.

Our Hluttaw is tasked with reviewing, amending, repealing and enacting laws to benefit the nation and its citizens, in addition to safeguarding their human rights and socioeconomic livelihoods.

COVID-19 is currently spreading across the globe, including Myanmar, and the Union Government is swiftly responding with prevention, containment and treatment procedures at the national level.

I urge all citizens to adhere to health directives and regulations issued by the Union Government and may you all be safe from all dangers. 


(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)


‘Everyone has individual responsibility’ and keep the Union spirit: Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker


May all ethnic nationals and citizens in Myanmar and Myanmar nationals overseas be blessed with good health and prosperity and be safe from all dangers.

As the old year gives way to the new year, may all the challenges and hardships serve as lessons to be learnt and be prepared for better results and be filled with new strengths, thoughts and vision moving forward.

During this path forward, may the people’s wish for a democratic federal republic that brings peace and prosperity be realized as the Hluttaws from the legislative pillar strive forth for the nation and its people. The people will keep in mind ‘Everyone has individual responsibility’ and keep the Union spirit as they work together for the new nation.

Starting from the New Year, may all the citizens of the nation from all various faiths be successful; may you all be able transition the New Year without worry and anxiety.


(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)