MoBA Union Minister inspects Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree College (Yangon), Central Training School

January 20,2022

UNION Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung inspected land areas to conduct agriculture and livestock breeding procedures for students, trainees and staff of the Central Training School and Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree College (Yangon) at Nyaunghnapin Agriculture Zone (3) in Hlegu Township of Yangon Region on 17 January (in picture). 

On 18 January morning, the Union minister met principals, teachers and students of the Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree College (Yangon) in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) at the convocation hall. During the meeting, he discussed proper learning this academic year, participation in the implementation of the five-point roadmap and nine objectives of the State Administration Council, serving duties without any party politics and State development based on unity, and he presented cash prizes to the students. 

Then, the Union minister inspected the teaching sessions conducted in line with the COVID-19 health rules for the second year (semester 2) A.G.T.I (Diploma) students of the 2019-2020 Academic Year, upgrade works on the stadium in the school compound, dormitory, dining hall, library and livestock breeding. 

The Union minister and party then went to the Central Training School in Dagon Myothit (North) at noon and met principal, instructors, staff and trainees. 

He inspected the school compound, school building where the elderly care course will be opened, library, advanced sewing instructor training, greenhouse and fish farms. 

The Union minister finally went to the Yangon Region Eastern District Development Supervision Office and inspected the maintenance and strength of heavy machines, manageable-scale crop plantation, chicken and fish farms of the staff.— MNA