Let’s work together for common good

WITH the rising numbers of the COVID-19 cases these days, the virus is stirring fears and anxieties in individuals and communities in our country. As we have anticipated that, the Union Government has already informed the people earlier that the number patients can rise in April, one month after the first case of confirmed patients with Coronavirus, according to experiences in other countries which are witnessing the global pandemic with high numbers of patients. We have found 21 patients with Coronavirus infection on Monday.


The warning is also a message to the people not to be anxious nor fearful. Our awareness and readiness are the key in protecting us from possible infection from the COVID-19 disease.


It is also found that some tried to flee from quarantine. But, they should know that one cannot escape from the illness if he or she is infected with the virus.


When fear and uncertainty kick in, scapegoats are never far away.


Following a group of people who became infected with the virus in one event and the action taken by the Yangon Region Government against the group, we have already seen that our people are blaming each other, and it is sad to see that the situation is leading to disunity within the communities.


We are facing a common challenge. No country nor community can tackle this alone.


Beyond our challenges over health-care systems and mechanisms for responding to infectious disease, the path of the coronavirus will also undoubtedly test our principles, values and shared humanity in the face of the common challenge.


Whenever a challenge happens, it depends upon us to determine how to turn challenges into opportunities.


Today is the time for us to show our compassion, loving-kindness and unity. Our unity is our strength, and we can defeat the pandemic, our common enemy.


During this very important time, we highly request all people to cooperate in the quarantine process and to share the burden of quarantine with the governmental employees who are battling against this virus and protecting the health of people on the frontlines.


At the same time, we would like to express our thanks to the volunteers nationwide participating in prevention, containment and treatment of COVID-19.


 Let’s work together for the common good.