Let's live up to trust

18 May

MARKETS began to reopen their doors on 16 May for the first time in over one month in complying with the COVID-19 health guidelines. The stores and shops that do reopen are to restrict occupancy and take other protective measures. Restaurants remain on a take-out basis.

This limited reopening of business, which is not a full reopening; rather, it is a cautious step, comes after achievements in fighting against the COVID-19 disease. But, no doubt that limited reopening of business can increase transmission of the virus. It means we are not out of the woods yet and need to remain vigilant. Reopening doesn’t mean the virus is gone.

The economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is genuine and perhaps lasting. Businesses need to reopen. People want to end this self-isolation and we want to return to normal. But, this virus is potentially deadly, especially for the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

Me anwhile , we ’ re seeing about one or two people a day infected with COVID-19. The country’s 184 cases of infections so far on 17 May is not large, compared with other countries. Thanks to the united efforts of the people and authorities, we can contain the spread of the virus and save lives.

When it comes to tackling challenges ahead, not only in the coming months but also for the post COVID-19 period, it is necessary to take into consideration the needs of the people and their resilience.

It is time to ease the restrictions and gradually free up movement. But, we must continually monitor the resulting consequences. There must be a correct balance in issuing relaxations and imposing restrictions.

Sustaining our achievement depends on the public and businesses continuing careful hygiene measures and safety steps such as wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

Still, we need to be alert and active with the understanding that “people’s participation is a must” and assist in overcoming the challenges.

In this situation, each and every business and person are highly advised to continue to practice of commonsense public-health measures. It will take individual and collective action to pave the long and measured path to a safe recovery.

We are confident that our people would behave sensibly in the coming days and weeks and give the authorities reason to further turn the dial to open. Let’s live up to that trust.