Ensuring voting rights with safety

With the November-8 general elections approaching, the Union Election Commission is considering for allowing people aged over 60 years in the townships under stay-at-home order and in townships with dense population to cast advance voting for their safety.

The election commission has been working to make arrangements for a free and fair poll due to the health risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, COVID-19 is extremely dangerous for older persons and others who have chronic diseases. These people should take precautions at all times to limit their exposure to others who may be ill. The first precaution listed is that they should stay at home as much as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In order to recognize the older persons’ rights guaranteed by law, we must ensure that essential support services for communities do not put older persons and their care providers at risk. Older persons as well as persons with disabilities are among the eligible.

The move will surely decrease the number of people for in-person voting at polling stations on Election day.

There will be lines because most votes will be cast in-person and we can’t physically put all of those people together.

For the 2020 general elections, safety measures would be taken step by step for voting procedures that voters should know about in order to successfully cast their ballots.


In order to recognize the older persons’ rights guaranteed by law, we must ensure that essential support services for communities do not put older persons and their care providers at risk.


On Election day, election officials must make polling places as safe as possible during this public health crisis by ensuring health guidelines are being followed as directed by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

When it comes to holding general elections in the midst of a global pandemic, election administrators must do much more to help the eligible citizens cast their ballots without placing themselves in danger. We believe that they will do everything possible to protect the health of poll workers and voters.

Voters should not have to choose between their health and exercising their constitutional rights, and poll workers should feel safe as they make sure our elections run smoothly.

A vote is a right, not a privilege, regardless of whether you cast an advance vote or an in-person ballot.