Ensure food security and poverty alleviation

Global leaders embraced a transformative vision in 2015 when they collectively adopted 17 sustainable develop­ment goals (SDGs) aimed at improving the lives of people worldwide, particularly in developing and underdeveloped nations. These goals, slated to endure until 2030, sought to address pressing issues such as poverty alleviation and food security.


However, a recent report, drawing on evaluations from in­ternational societies affiliated with the United Nations, reveals a significant disparity between the ongoing implementation of SDGs in all countries and the intended missions set by global leaders for the years leading up to 2030. The report emphasizes the inherent challenges in fully accomplishing the goals within the specified timeframe, suggesting a potential achievement of only around 20 per cent.


Despite progress in tackling issues of poverty, starvation, and inequality, the report underscores the complexity of achieving all SDGs by 2030. Goal No 2, dedicated to eradicating hunger, particu­larly presents a formidable challenge, with the report acknowledg­ing the difficulty in completely resolving global starvation is­sues due to persistent armed conflicts worldwide.


In addition to armed con­flicts, escalating challenges posed by worsening climate change and growing societal inequalities globally com­pound the issues of food secu­rity and starvation. Shockingly, statistics from 2022 reveal that approximately 753 million peo­ple, constituting 9.2 per cent of the global population, experi­enced severe starvation.


To mitigate the immedi­ate impact of these challenges, the United Nations, in 2022, ex­tended food aid to 158 million people globally through the UN Food Programme. This initiative aimed to alleviate the growing tensions surrounding food security, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pan­demic and the adverse effects of climate change, including disruptions caused by El Niño and other climatic phenom­ena.


However, the unforeseen challenges posed by the pan­demic and climate change have led to deviations and losses in numerous development projects across various countries. These disruptions have sowed doubts about the feasibility of achieving the SDGs by 2030.


Hence, both governmental and private sectors must strike a delicate balance while prioritizing poverty alleviation for the gen­eral public. Collaborative efforts are essential for steering nations toward sustainable development liberating individuals from the shackles of poverty and hunger. Stakeholders from diverse realms must critically assess their respective nations’ current situations and collectively determine effective strategies to lead people to­ward lives characterized by food security and poverty alleviation. Hence, all stakeholders have to review the actual situation of the nation and seek the best way how to take the people to a life of food security and poverty alleviation.