Don’t look at everything with bias

November 12


Anything or any event is triggered by something motives. No event can happen without any motives. Hence, everybody needs to analyze something special how the motive could influence the events.


In this regard, critical thinking plays a crucial role in analyzing the root causes of the events. Even though somebody committed a criminal case, action should not be taken against those persons directly. Authorities at different levels need to investigate all roots of causing the crimes and motives for the cases. If so, the authorities such as the judge can hand down the correct decisions.


So also, we need to analyze everything in the secular world. We should not easily adopt the remarks upon all events. Some of the events happen intentionally but some unintentionally. That is why those from the third party need to overview and scrutinize all plots of the cases with righteousness. If those from the third party commit bias, the whole case will derail from the truth as well as the universal truth. It will be very sorrowful for all.


Nowadays, most humans easily adopt the remarks over something or some cases or some incidents. Actually, those involved in these cases do not wish to be related to the events. In general, no one wishes to be involved in the mysterious events. Even though they unavoidably participate in these cases, they wish to escape from them in a rapid manner.


As such, everybody should not early put blame over others without knowing the whole plots of the cases and motives to the cases. In this regard, a Myanmar proverb goes “don’t let anyone see it before finishing”. It is because somebody may make remarks over something special before completion. Without analyzing something they do not thoroughly know; the remarks may lead to wrongdoings. In fact, those wishing to remark something need to know all things to cause the event and they have to review all aspects of the event before making remarks so as to produce the truth.


Hence, everybody needs to hold up consciousness before doing something. As such, everybody needs to intentionally and unintentionally avoid the acts of bias in doing everything without putting blame earlier over others by holding up the sympathy and compassion aimed at flourishing four cardinal virtues in the society. GNLM