Construction of rural road in Sanaie village in Minhla Township completed

Minhla 7 January


With the aims of distributing local products to markets with saving time and money and upgrading the socioeconomic development of local people, a rural road is being undertaken in Sanaie village in Minhla Township, Thayat District, Magway Region. 


On January 7, officials from the Township Department of Rural Development inspected the completion of the road. The project is conducted with K 39.3748 million by tender winning company starting from fourth week of November. Now, it has been completed by hundred percent. 


It will benefit a total of 1538 people from 380 households and the local products from over 620 acres of farmland will be distributed to the markets in a timely manner. 


Soe Moe Kyaw 
Translated by Suyee