Cash aid provided to fire victims in Kalay Twsp.

Kalay, 22 January

The District Department of Disaster Management provided cash aid to fire victims in the town of Tahan, Kalay District, Sagaing Region this morning on a door to door basis.

Staff led by assistant Director U Kyaw Htay from the District Department of Disaster Management presented a total of K 94200 for purchasing rice and building materials to fire victims in area-10 in the town of Thahan in accordance with the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The donation was accepted by U Sang Hlei Khup, the owner of the house.

Fire broke out yesterday afternoon in area-10 in Tahan Township, causing a loss of about K 961000. The fire is believed to have started from an overheated battery in the house.

Thang Phung (IPRD)
Translated by JT