Basic computer course concludes in Paingkyon

Painkyon, 24 May


A ceremony to conclude a basic computer course, organized by A Hnaing Met Computer Centre, was held this morning at Myoma Sasana Monastery in the Town of Paingkyon, Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State.


First of all, Ashindhamathiri (Sasanatekkathila mahadhamasriya, M.A) delivered an opening speech and the Town Administrator U Tun Yang Aung gave a message. Afterwards, a course inspector explained about the experiences of the training course.


This was followed by the presentation of certificates of honor and the completion certificates to instructors and the trainees by officials. After which a trainee spoke words of thanks on behalf of the trainees.—Saw Phoe, IPRD


Translated by JT