22 people allowed to go back home after 14-day quarantine in Taninthayi Twsp.

Taninthayi, 8 January

22 people were allowed to go back home yesterday evening after being placed under 14-day observation at the facility quarantine centers in the town of Taninthayi, Taninthayi Region. 

22 people including seven family members being placed under observation at B.E.H.S in the town of Taninthayi, five police members and six family members at Myoma Sports Hall in the town, and three family members at home quarantine in Letaungya Village and one at the old office of the township Maternal and Child Welfare Association in the township were allowed to go back home.

The township medical superintendent Dr Aung Thaik Tun and Village administrators presented health certificates and gave words of encouragement to them before departure for their homes.

But 22 people will also be put under seven-day quarantine when they arrive in their homes in accordance with the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports.

Htein Win, IPRD
Translated by JT