Specialists offer medical treatments to residents in Hinthada on 2nd field trip

The specialist medical teams including professors and phy­sicians from Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw are offering the medical treatments in the States and Regions. Specialist medi­cal teams from Yangon Gener­al Hospital, Yangon Children’s Hospital, Yangon Specialist Hos­pital (500-bed) and Yangon Eye Hospital travelled to Hinthada in Ayeyawady Region on 2 and 3 March for the second time and gave the medical treatment to local people.


Over the course of these medical trips, a total of 1,284 pa­tients, including individuals from Hinthada Township and 10 other townships from Ayeyawady Re­gion and two another townships of Yangon and Bago regions, received treatment for a range of medical conditions. These conditions encompassed car­diac diseases, gastrointestinal issues, neurological ailments, orthopaedic and dermatological problems, cleft lip and palate surgeries, among others.


The medical check-ups included various procedures such as Echocardiography, Oe­sophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD) Scope, Colonoscopy, CT scans, glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) tests, X-ray examina­tions, laboratory tests, ultra­sound scans, and electrocardio­grams (ECG). Patients requiring further treatment were referred to hospitals concerned in Yan­gon. In addition to, osteopathic physician who specializes in eye and vision care will contin­ue their treatments for patients with eye problem at the hospital until 11 March.


Officials from Hinthada Dis­trict Administration Body com­forted patients and presented lo­cal gifts to the specialist teams.


These specialist medical teams conducted field trips every Saturday and Sunday in 2024. Similar efforts have been made in Taunggyi, Pyay, Thandwe, Pathein, Mawlamyine, Magway, Myeik, NyaungU, My­itkyina and now in Hinthada in 2024, with plans for continuous implementation in the future. — MNA/ KZL