Thuwunnabhumi Laterite Cultural Museum opened within Kyaikhtisaung Pagoda precinct in Mon State

The Thuwunnabhumi Lat­erite Cultural Museum is opened at the precinct of Kyaikhtisaung Pagoda located in Zokthok Smart Village, Bilin Township, Mon State, according to nun Daw Kundala, the Secre­tary of the Museum Management Committee of the Kyaikhtisaung Pagoda.


At the museum, visitors can view ornamental items made of laterite that the Kyaikhtisaung Sayadaw discovered during his residency in the area. These showcased items include ancient umbrella, throne, statues and reliefs all crafted from laterite. Additionally, there are ancient Buddha statues made of Premna Pyramidata, as well as various other laterite artefacts on display.


“The museum was originally established in the 1950s. Today, it functions as an arts centre but has been recently renovat­ed to meet museum standards and reopened as such. People frequently donate ancient ma­terials crafted from laterite and other related items to the muse­um. While some of the Buddha statues showcased here are not made of laterite, they are donat­ed due to their historical signif­icance in ancient Mon artwork. Many students and researchers visit the Kyaikhtisaung Pagoda to study lat­erite for their papers, utilizing the museum’s collection of laterite tablets and statues. The museum boasts 15 exhibition rooms, some of which exclusively showcase laterite-related displays. The laterite cultures in the region have been established for over 2,000 years, with laterite being naturally abundant in the land surrounding the Kyaikhtisaung Pagoda,” the nun said.


The Thuwunnabhumi Laterite Cultural Museum is open from 8 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 5 pm daily except Monday and Tuesday. People can visit the museum free of charge.


Laterites are abundant in Myanmar, es­pecially in Yangon Region, Taninthayi Region, Mon State and Rakhine State. — ASH/ TMT