The final day of the Maravijaya Buddha Image Tazaungdine Lighting Festival in Dekkhinathi­ri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, was crowded with pilgrims.


During the festival, the road to Buddha Park was packed with visitors and the traffic police members systematically con­trolled the traffic.


Officials provided necessary measures for the pilgrims to en­joy the festival peacefully and also guided them ways to light offering sites, hot-air balloons releasing places and market stalls. Pilgrims, monks, people and religious group members peacefully paid homage to the Buddha Image, lit oil lamps in the pagoda compound and re­cited Pathana treatise.


The State-owned media broadcast live streaming hot-air balloons releasing events for those who cannot come to the festival.


Moreover, the Buddha Park was decorated with LED lights and other religious sites in the park were also full of pilgrims.


The festival also featured en­tertainment programmes, sales of regional products, foodstuffs and commodities of MSMEs and Myanmar traditional snacks.


Visitors to the Tazaung­dine Lighting Festival did good deeds with peace of mind and the members of the Myanmar Red Cross Society provided clinics to provide emergency healthcare services to the pilgrims.


Tazaungdine Lighting Fes­tival was held from 25 to 27 No­vember, and pilgrims paid hom­age to the Maravijaya Buddha Image while enjoying the beauty of Tazaungmone full moon night. — Myo Sett Thit/KTZH