Most Sagaing travelers visiting Bat Caves, Forest Museum: official

Most travelers visiting Sagaing region are heading to the Bat Caves and the Forest Museum in the Zin Forest Reserve, Kanbalu Township, according to an official with the bat caves and environmental awareness and resort center.
Shan Yoma Elephant Camp ready to welcome visitors
THE Shan Yoma Elephant Camp, opened in September, 2018 near Nampantat Village in Kalaw Township, southern Shan State, has said it is prepared to welcome visitors ahead of the Thingyan holidays.
Holidaymakers flock to natural recreation zone in Papun Township
Floating water huts have been built in the Yunsalin Creek for holidaymakers who want to enjoy the walking Thingyan event in Papun Township, Kayin State for the first time.
Yamethin’s First Walking Thingyan to be held
Thingyan area is designated from Yanaungmyin Road Clock Tower to U Min Naing Road and the festival area will be decorated with colorful umbrellas and Myanma’s traditional musical instruments.
Cruise ship to ply in Ayeyawady River for enjoying sunset around Mandalay
The operation aims at attracting both local and foreign travellers to be able to visit ancient heritage sites and local villages around the town of Mandalay.
For Dubrovnik, Game of Thrones fame is a blessing and a curse
While Game of Thrones may have brought the city of Dubrovnik some fame and fortune, its residents are tired of being King's Landing,
Sagaing Region attracts over 54000 visitors in 2019
Over 54000 local and foreign travellers visited Sagaing Region from January to March this year, according to official statistics provided by Sagaing Region’s Directorate of Hotels and Tourism (DOHT).