Mohnyin, 8 June

With the aim of creating job opportunities for rural people and boosting their socio-economic status, a vocational basic motorcycle repair course was organized in Nanhpok Village in Mohnyin Township of Kachin State on June 1.

During the opening ceremony, an official from the District Small Scale Industries Department delivered an opening speech and clarified the purposes of the training course. Then, she called on the trainees to practically apply the lessons learned in the training course to generate more income in their family.

The one-month training course which runs from June 1 to 30 is being attended by 20 training including 19 men and one woman from villages in the township. Now, a course instructor is giving practical and theoretical lectures to the trainees.

The Township Small Industries Department has organized a total of 10 vocational training courses in 2023-2024 fiscal year.—Township IPRD

Translated by JT