US, China end first day of trade talks

10 May


The United States and China have agreed to continue ministerial-level trade talks in Washington.


A fresh round of negotiations began Thursday with the US set to more than double tariffs on 200 billion dollars' worth of Chinese imports. 


Taking part in the meeting were US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He. 




The White House says the talks will continue on Friday, but declined to say if negotiators had made progress toward a deal. 


The US has filed paperwork to raise tariffs from 10 percent to 25 percent on the Chinese goods. They're expected to take effect soon. 


President Donald Trump blames Beijing for the additional duties, saying it retreated from commitments agreed to in earlier negotiations. 


China has said it is ready to impose retaliatory duties if the US goes ahead with the hike.

Experts warn that another tariff spat would have a major impact on the global economy.