Trump to nominate Shanahan as defense secretary 

10 May

The White House says President Donald Trump will nominate Patrick Shanahan as his defense secretary. 




Shanahan, who is 56, took over as acting secretary in January after defense secretary Jim Mattis stepped down. 




White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Shanahan has proven over the last several months that he is beyond qualified to lead the department and will continue to do an excellent job. 

Shanahan joined Boeing in 1986 and spent more than 30 years with the company. In 2017, he was appointed deputy defense secretary. 

Shanahan told reporters on Thursday that he is committed to modernizing military forces and, if confirmed, would implement Trump's national defense strategy, which prioritizes competition with China and Russia. 

Trump has expressed confidence in Shanahan, a promoter of the proposed Space Force -- one of the president's pet projects. The US Senate needs to confirm Shanahan's appointment. Some senators are concerned that he lacks military and diplomatic experience.