We must cultivate our mental abilities to stand proud as a Union

There are countries that are genuine Unions throughout the world. There are also countries that border on being Unions, while other countries are simply a coalition of societies with no uniting spirit among its citizens.
Preserving infrastructure is key to sustainable development
Myanmar’s society comprises small, close-knitted groups. Roads, bridges, water transport, and power grids are all basic infrastructure necessary for the survival of ethnic nationals.
Honesty and cooperation will benefit us all
Every February, we take the opportunity to strengthen the unity of our diverse ethnic nationals and display it prominently.
Integrating Loving-Kindness into the Union
“In a country like ours that needs to establish unity from diversity, we need to nurture understanding and mutual respect for one another. It is acceptable to love your own people,
Pay heed to people’s desire for peace
Unity can ensure peace. Conflicts will result in instability, anxiety, and suffering.
Striding towards a democratic federal Union
ETHNIC solidarity involves all ethnic nationals uniting and coexisting peacefully, and supporting each other through good times and bad.
Unity can be achieved with political foresight
Myanmar has witnessed two significant events in its long and unique history in the month of February.