Lawmakers oversee construction of rural road in Kyaunggon Twsp

A group of local authorities made a field trip to construction site of a concrete road in Yin Hsai Village, Kyaungon Township in Ayeyawady Region this morning.
Construction of housing for medical staff nearly completed in Kyaw town
A new housing for staff from a rural healthcare center under the Department of Medical Services is being built in Kyaw town in Gangaw District, Magway Region and the project is about 90 percent completed, according to an official tasked with construction project.
The global soybean market and Myanmar’s market requirements
MYANMAR people sometime confuse soybeans with horse grams, but they are very different. Still, some products confuse the two in their descriptions of ingredients, especially when some cooking ---
No pain—no gain
NEW cases of coronavirus infection in China and New Zealand highlight the risks of coronavirus resurging, and show why we must do better. 
Myanmar nationals arrive back home by relief flights
The Myanmar National Airlines landed at Yangon International Airport at 3:20 pm with 121 nationals who were stranded in Hong Kong and Macau due to suspensions of flights to Myanmar amid the outbreak of COVID-19.
I hope we will be able to push back the second COVID wave if we can take effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease during the next one or two months: State Counsellor
State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said that she hoped Myanmar would be able to push back the second COVID wave if effective measures ----
Global gold price reaches a decade high
The global gold has crossed over US$1,000 per ounce since 2019 and registered a decade high of over $1,770 per ounce, said Chairman U Myo Myint of Yangon Gold Entrepreneurs Association (YGEA).