Taliban: Progress made in talks with US

Afghanistan's anti-government Taliban militant group says there has been progress in its talks with the US government.
Trudeau fires Canada's ambassador to China
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fired his country's ambassador to China, John McCallum.
U.S. slams Venezuela leader, urges countries to back opposition head
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday took aim at Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro at a U.N. Security Council meeting and called on all nations to back opposition chief Juan Guaido as the country's legitimate leader.
Sultan Abdullah named as new Malaysian King
Malaysia's Conference of Rulers named Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah as the country's 16th King on Thursday,
2 campers rescued after being trapped in California snowy woods
Two campers were rescued Wednesday by a helicopter after being snowbound in a vehicle on a Southern California mountain for two weeks.
Venezuela's military backs Maduro, as standoff hardens with US
Venezuela's powerful military threw its weight behind Nicolas Maduro on Thursday as the US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido pressed a direct challenge to his authority, and the fate of the crisis-wracked country hung in the balance.
43 IS militants killed, wounded in shelling in Syria
The Iraqi paramilitary Hashd Shaabi artillery on Wednesday carried out cross-border shelling on positions of the Islamic State (IS) militants inside Syria, leaving a total of 43 militants killed or wounded.