Britain, NZ failing on children's rights: global survey

Britain and New Zealand are failing on children's rights, scoring lower than war-torn Syria and North Korea relative to their wealth in rankings released Tuesday by a children's group.
Iran FM visits India to hold talks over oil supplies
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrived in New Delhi late Monday night, and is slated to meet his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj on Tuesday, official sources said.
Philippine midterm elections set to boost Duterte
Candidates supporting Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte are on track to win the majority of Senate seats up for grab in midterm elections on Monday, according to local media.
Trump to hold talks with Xi, Putin at G20 in June
US President Donald Trump says he will meet with the Chinese and Russian leaders on the sidelines of the upcoming Group of 20 summit, scheduled for late June in Osaka, Japan.
UNESCO to add Osaka tombs to world heritage list
A group of ancient burial mounds in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan is expected to be added to UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List.
Sri Lanka blocks social media after anti-Muslim riots
Sri Lanka blocked Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media platforms on Monday after anti-Muslim riots hit several towns in the latest fallout from the Easter Sunday suicide attacks.
Australian election campaign reaches final week, opposition maintains lead
The opposition Australian Labor Party (ALP) maintained lead, according to local opinion polls before Saturday's general election.