Battered EU centre holds off populist surge in vote

Europe's mainstream political parties took a hit in elections on Sunday but held off a strong surge by the populist right of Marine Le Pen, Matteo Salvini and Nigel Farage.
Over 100 hit by heatstroke in Tokyo over weekend
The Tokyo Fire Department says 107 people were taken to hospitals in the Japanese capital over the weekend due to possible heatstroke.
4 police officers killed in Taliban attack in E. Afghanistan
Up to four Afghan police officers were killed and four others wounded after Taliban militants stormed a security checkpoint in eastern province of Paktia overnight, local police said Monday.
Japan's Emperor Naruhito meets Trump, 1st state guest since taking throne
Emperor Naruhito met U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday as the Japanese monarch welcomed his first state guest since ascending the throne on May 1.
Prison conflict kills 15 in Brazil
A prison conflict in northern Brazil left 15 dead on Sunday, local authorities confirmed.
Tornado kills at least 2 in Oklahoma
A tornado that struck a mobile home park and a motel in the southern US state of Oklahoma on Saturday night has left at least two people dead and 29 others injured.
Japan, U.S. to make announcements on trade in August: Trump
U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday the United States and Japan will likely make some announcements regarding bilateral trade in August.