Iran hopes Abe's planned visit will ease tensions

A senior official in Iran's government has expressed hope that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's planned visit to the country will lead to the easing of regional tensions.
Trump leaves for Europe
US President Donald Trump left Washington on Sunday for a three-nation European tour.
73 illegal immigrants rescued, 2 drown off Libyan western coast
Libyan navy on Sunday announced rescuing 73 illegal immigrants, and recovering two bodies off the country's western coast.
Israel conducts air strikes on Syria
The Israeli military says it has carried out air strikes on military positions in Syria in retaliation for rocket attacks the previous day.
Effects of automated train accident continue
Service remains suspended on an automated train system in Yokohama, near Tokyo, after a weekend accident, inconveniencing many commuters.
Flash flood, rainstorm kill 2, wash away houses in N. Afghanistan
Rainstorm and flood flashes have killed at least two persons and swept up hundreds of houses in Afghanistan's northern Takhar province, provincial governor's spokesman Mohammad Jawad Hajari said Monday.
Pompeo: Ready for unconditional talks with Iran
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the United States is prepared to engage in talks with Iran without any pre-conditions.