Medical supplies provided in Nawnghkio Tsp. Hospital

With the aim of preventing and controlling the spread of coronavirus,
Kayah State gov’t starts household supply distribution in Loikaw Tsp
The Kayah State COVID-19 Containment and Emergency Response Committee distributed the instructed five household supplies of rice, cooking oil, lentils, salt and onions starting from yesterday. According to a survey by the Kayah State government, Loikaw Township has the highest number of people with no regular incomes and Mingalar Ward in Loikaw Township received the supplies on 10 April first.
Myanmar leaves no one behind in its fight against COVID-19 in Rakhine State

Viet Nam donates US$ 50,000 to Myanmar COVID-19 prevention

National COVID-19 committee receives public donations

Aries Elan Co., Ltd donates safety equipment for COVID-19

State Counsellor discusses ground situation with COVID-19 fighters from Shan State